Source code for pyepal.pal.pal_gpy

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"""PAL using GPy GPR models"""
import concurrent.futures
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer

from .pal_base import PALBase
from .schedules import linear
from .validate_inputs import validate_njobs, validate_number_models

__all__ = ["PALGPy"]

def _train_model_picklable(i, models, restarts):
    model = models[i]
    return model

[docs]class PALGPy(PALBase): """PAL class for a list of GPy GPR models, with one model per objective"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Contruct the PALGPy instance Args: X_design (np.array): Design space (feature matrix) models (list): Machine learning models ndim (int): Number of objectives epsilon (Union[list, float], optional): Epsilon hyperparameter. Defaults to 0.01. delta (float, optional): Delta hyperparameter. Defaults to 0.05. beta_scale (float, optional): Scaling parameter for beta. If not equal to 1, the theoretical guarantees do not necessarily hold. Also note that the parametrization depends on the kernel type. Defaults to 1/9. goals (List[str], optional): If a list, provide "min" for every objective that shall be minimized and "max" for every objective that shall be maximized. Defaults to None, which means that the code maximizes all objectives. coef_var_threshold (float, optional): Use only points with a coefficient of variation below this threshold in the classification step. Defaults to 3. restarts (int): Number of random restarts that are used for hyperparameter optimization. Defaults to 20. n_jobs (int): Number of parallel processes that are used to fit the GPR models. Defaults to 1. power_transformer (bool): If True, use Yeo-Johnson transform on the inputs. Defaults to False. """ from .validate_inputs import validate_gpy_model # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel self.restarts = kwargs.pop("restarts", 20) power_transformer = kwargs.pop("power_transformer", False) self.n_jobs = validate_njobs(kwargs.pop("n_jobs", 1)) assert isinstance(self.restarts, int), "the restarts keyword must be of type int" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) validate_number_models(self.models, self.ndim) validate_gpy_model(self.models) self.power_transformer = ( [PowerTransformer() for _ in range(self.ndim)] if power_transformer else None )
def _set_data(self): for i, model in enumerate(self.models): y = self.y[self.sampled[:, i], i].reshape(-1, 1) if self.power_transformer is not None: y = self.power_transformer[i].fit_transform(y) model.set_XY(self.design_space[self.sampled[:, i]], y) def _train(self): pass # There is no training in instance based models def _predict(self): from ..models.gpr import predict # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel means, stds = [], [] for i, model in enumerate(self.models): mean, std = predict(model, self.design_space) mean = mean.reshape(-1, 1) std = std.reshape(-1, 1) if self.power_transformer is not None: mean = self.power_transformer[i].inverse_transform(mean) std = self.power_transformer[i].inverse_transform(std) means.append(mean) stds.append(std) self._means = np.hstack(means) self.std = np.hstack(stds) def _set_hyperparameters(self): models = [] train_model_pickleable_partial = partial( _train_model_picklable, models=self.models, restarts=self.restarts ) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.n_jobs) as executor: for model in, range(self.ndim)): models.append(model) self.models = models def _should_optimize_hyperparameters(self) -> bool: return linear(self.iteration, 10)